Posts by Agnieszka Rapacz

Creative Designer & Strategist

A creative sprit, but that doesn’t mean I'm lost in the clouds! Quite the opposite—I focus on practical, simple, and effective solutions. I love merging design with strategy because I believe it’s the only combo that really works. I value good work organization, practice the art of mutual appreciation, and I'm a fan of sarcastic jokes. For a quiet chat don't call at 10:00—that’s when I feed my cat.

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What is a creative strategy and why is it important?

What is a creative strategy? A creative strategy is a plan of creative activities that will bring us closer to achieving specific goals. It sounds general, I know, but give me a moment. 😉 Say you want to sell your products. You can plan a campaign, come up with some creative, add copy, and wait […]

Next level campaigns: Why creative testing is the future of marketing?

What is the Creative Testing? Creative testing methodology is one of many processes you will find in creative strategy. It is based on testing a variety of different campaigns, using methods such as split testing (A/B) to compare creatives and measure the impact of changes based on audience response. The process includes: organizing creatives; analyzing […]