Weronika Brodowska Junior Digital Marketing Specialist

Pillars | Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is about more than just making profits. It’s also about having a positive impact on the people you work with and trying to create something bigger than financial success.

At .mta, we want to make a change, and we do so through our organization. We focus on self-management, and there’s no bossing around because instead of having a typical “boss,” we have a group of team leaders. Our flat structure ensures that everybody is heard and no one’s growth is slowed down by traditional authority.

Our ideal crew? People who are driven by passion and vision. We strive to identify these values in individuals right from the start, and we give you the space to create your own team dynamics and steer the organization’s path. Got an idea? Here, you can just make it happen!

What does entrepreneurship mean for our organization?

It means that we value people who can plan their own time well and think entrepreneurially. Our team members question what they do and are not afraid to say that they need to earn more for their work. People of .mta understand how much revenue each client generates—as they themselves know best how much an hour of their work is worth.

Everyone in our organization takes responsibility for what they do themselves, and they show initiative and willingness to take over. We never pass the buck on to just one person, as we believe that success can be achieved only when we cooperate.

Our team members track their hours, observe their earnings, and understand where the money they receive comes from. We want everyone to think of .mta as their own company, not just the company where they perform their duties.

We also appreciate the initiative. We want our organization to be full of people who are determined to achieve their goals. We provide space for building your own teams and developing the organization because entrepreneurship is about intuition, seizing and creating opportunities, and patience. Not every success comes to you immediately, and sometimes you have to wait for it.

To sum up a little bit, at .mta, we are building a workplace where everyone contributes. We want every person’s voice to be heard and everyone to be engaged in the life of .mta. Regardless of the position, this requires proactiveness, initiative, and active problem-solving by individuals in the organization.

How does it work in practice?

☑️ Initiative matters!

Everyone has the opportunity to contribute: you can create new teams, processes, and services within the organization, thereby developing it. We value individuals who can take responsibility, want to set new directions for development, and have the motivation and patience to create new solutions.

☑️ Dynamicity

This means that we quickly react to market changes and follow digital trends. Based on this, we monitor and continuously optimize our actions. Our flexibility allows us to easily adapt to the changing environment and to the teams in which we work.

☑️ Responsibility is the key

We approach our tasks credibly and take care and responsibility for our projects, which are also always looked after during our absence. This approach allows us to gain the trust of our clients and other team members. As a result, we can work in a constantly growing and developing environment.

☑️ Always seek solutions and approach new challenges

We seek solutions and approach challenges with commitment. We not only carry out assigned tasks but also aim to develop and improve our clients’ actions. Creativity is very important to us, as it allows us to find unconventional solutions and go beyond established earlier patterns.

☑️ Proactive approach

Coming up with ideas, showing initiative, and being proactive are just the beginning of every new project. To make it happen, strong willpower and determination are also needed. We value individuals who can pursue their goals, overcome obstacles, and ultimately turn an idea into an outcome.

What is the outcome of entrepreneurship in everyday life, then?

Entrepreneurship is the ability to create something out of nothing or simply put – connecting the dots. You need to keep your eyes open and try to combine all the skills you already have to take action. It’s worth remembering that taking risks, trusting yourself and your vision is one of the most valuable things you can do for your development.

Skills can be easily acquired along the way if you have the right mindset, and the “Fake it till you make it” approach can pay off in interest. Over time, being open to opportunities will enable us to create these opportunities ourselves. It requires training and a shift in thinking, but it can be achieved by anyone, and it is worth the effort if we want to build an entrepreneurial mindset.

The most valuable advice is to try to overcome fear. A problem-solving and an obstacle-jumping attitude is far more important than skills or competencies.

Weronika Brodowska Junior Digital Marketing Specialist I have a deep passion for social media and copywriting, which fuels both my professional and personal endeavors. In my free time, you’ll often find me writing articles about the exciting sport of ski jumping, singing my heart out at various concerts, or studying Norwegian.

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