Pillars | Value First

Imagine a scenario where every day you find yourself doing things you don’t believe in, where you have to sell something that doesn’t resonate with you, or deliver a project you feel could be much better…

That kind of work style is a nightmare – not only does it demotivate, but it also hinders growth. We steer clear of such situations at .mta, which is why we heavily focus on delivering value – both internally through communication and actions, as well as for our clients. This is our secret to mutual growth.

What is Value First?

No fluff, all stuff. It’s about having each other’s backs, doing our best, keeping our word, and being together when it counts. Every move we make has got to mean something. Before diving in, we always ask, “How can we help?” rather than “What can we sell?” We’re all about bringing value – both to our clients and everyone in the organization.

How does it work in reality?

Value First!

Our goal is to propose actions that produce the best results when executed together. We focus on client development even in areas where we don’t provide a specific service. Agencies often prioritize increasing sales, neglecting the importance of building quality client relationships for long-term growth. We wanted to change this approach by emphasizing value delivery, understanding clients’ needs, and growing their businesses. That’s why we created Value First workshops which are brainstorming sessions that provide a space for exchanging ideas and cover various aspects of digital marketing, such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, and many more. As a result, long-term client relationships lead to mutual benefits.

Trust and openness

It requires both our and clients’ trust and openness to change and develop. Without mutual trust, clients may be hesitant to explore new ideas. Openness to change incentivizes flexibility and adaptability to new market conditions, which is crucial for long-term business success. Clients should also be ready to develop their services, demonstrating a willingness to implement new solutions, technologies, or business models. This approach enables continuous improvement and better market alignment.


We aspire to be strategic advisors rather than service providers. Our focus is on growing the client’s business, rather than just selling services that may not meet their needs. Concentrating on the quality of the relationship and delivering value leads to sustainable growth for both parties. Focusing on Value First also facilitates better collaboration between project teams and individuals. Our specialists try to see different perspectives and become more adaptable and open to change. This collaborative approach yields better results than operating independently.

Consequently, Value First generates long-term advantages for both clients and our agency, because we first and foremost focus on delivering value to our clients and the people around us. We want our actions to make sense for both sides as we aim for every person to feel that what they do is valuable. And we don’t like to sugar-coat each other and we want to be transparent in our actions.


One of our goals is for our clients to perceive the high value of what we do. Whether we provide value to their company or give them financial gains, we ensure that our efforts translate well into their businesses.

We only embark on action with certainty that it will bring value to the client. If we know that something won’t do it, we simply let go of that sale. We value our time, our worth, and our understanding of what we do. Therefore, before starting any action, we always consider how we can help rather than how we can sell.

Shared values are the foundation for building a great team. We recognize there is a lot to learn but what matters to us the most is mutual trust, which builds good and sincere relationships within the team, and that extends to building strong relationships with clients and creating a timeless organization where we all feel comfortable.

Firstly, we want to bring value. Later, we think about how this will be profitable for us.

Paulina Kwapisz HR Specialist I'm all about people, always looking out for their well-being and the overall vibe at the office. While interested in psychology, I prefer fantasy novels over self-help books and value hands-on experience more than theoretical knowledge. Besides, I'm boosting my knowledge in employer branding and marketing. What I can't stand are the sounds of cotton being torn apart, ugly and sloppy graphics and presentations. Which is why I'm often the one adding the final touches to them.

Do you want to join a workplace that focuses on delivering value?

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